

Hualien Whale Watching: A Marine Adventure You’ll Never Forget

🌊 台灣賞鯨最佳地點—花蓮東海岸


🌊 Best Whale Watching Destination in Taiwan—Hualien’s East Coast

Every spring and summer, the vast East Coast of Hualien transforms into a paradise for whales and dolphins. Want to witness the breathtaking moment when whales leap out of the water? Or experience a close encounter with these magnificent marine creatures? A whale-watching tour is the perfect choice! Whether it’s your first time or you’re an avid marine life enthusiast, this adventure is sure to leave you in awe.

📅 賞鯨的最佳季節與時間

📅 Best Season & Timing for Whale Watching

🐋 花蓮賞鯨的黃金時期

花蓮的賞鯨季節從每年四月到十月,其中四月至六月是最佳時機。這時候海象穩定,海水清澈,能見度高,觀賞鯨豚的機率高達 95%!


✔ 抹香鯨(世界上最大的齒鯨)

✔ 飛旋海豚(喜歡高高跳躍翻轉)

✔ 花紋海豚(黑白相間的迷人海豚)

✔ 長吻飛旋海豚(速度快、動作靈活)

🐋 Hualien’s Prime Whale Watching Season

The whale watching season in Hualien runs from April to October, with April to June being the best time. The waters are calm, the weather is clear, and the chances of spotting whales and dolphins are as high as 95%!

Common whale and dolphin species spotted include:

✔ Sperm Whales (the largest toothed whale in the world)